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LabVantage Medical Suite’s pathology module provides advanced workflow management capabilities for histology, cytology, autopsies and clinical genetics.

In addition to advanced workflow management capabilities, LabVantage Medical Suite offers embedded storage management and tissue bank functionality, consent management, and versatile reporting tools with digital dictation and speech recognition adapted for pathology.

Manage the Entire Process In Your Laboratory

LabVantage Medical Suite enables the supervision and management of the entire pathology laboratory process. All objects, such as blocks and slides, are identified with a unique ID so they can be read using a bar code reader at any step of the laboratory process to enable automatic tracking, routing, and resulting of specimens. This facilitates workplace and phase-specific work lists and effective progress of samples through the laboratory, preventing errors in identification and location.

Digitized Pathology Processes

LabVantage Medical Suite fully supports the emerging field of digital pathology to further streamline workflows and totally digitize pathology processes. When utilizing an integrated grossing/macro camera or slide scanner, images are automatically linked in real time to the respective case in the LIS.

LabVantage Medical Suite seamlessly integrates with the image processing and analysis software of your choice. We have experience integrating with market-leading digital pathology systems and when coupled with such a system, LabVantage Medical Suite becomes a unique digital pathology solution.